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Showing posts from February, 2009
Have we humans really 'evolved' as a species, over the past centuries? More importantly, have we "Indians' evolved as a species? I think not... How else then would you explain how we behave - not like an 'evolved' species but as if we had degenerated across centuries, millenniums to, to possibly the 'stone age'? Or maybe even earlier - when we were animals? How else do you explain how we Indians behave on the road? Fighting for that extra inch of space and meandering our way to get to the 'front' of the row of waiting cars on a traffic light? Because we just have to be at the top of the line...nothing else matters...? Or zipping ahead and nearly missing colliding with a shocked sixty year old woman trying desperately and helplessly to cross the road, just because you had to be ahead of her. You just had to cross the road first, before she did? How else do you explain how easily we become victims of 'road rage' Bludgeoning a fellow huma...


Oh the wonderful, ecstatic and overwhelming feeling of 'winning' ! A long and tough journey now complete... Of first setting sight on an objective, a goal that when achieved, would make the World sit up, gasp and wonder in amazement... Of getting together a team of dedicated and talented members, all of whom share a common vision and are willing to 'do or die'..... Of pulling together other resources and continuously facing challenges and problems some - financial, some administrative, social....yet being relentless and not giving up. Of each team member committing himself or herself to give to the project, life's best ever effort. For nothing lesser than the best would work. Endless days, months of tireless efforts. No room for complacency, no 'letting go' or taking it easy. Striving for perfection in every minuscule aspect of the project. For being perfect will matter. And then the result of that toil.... The World does sit up and wonder in amazement.....
We Indians are an extremely self centred, selfish, apathetic and insensitive people.  If, as a Nation we cannot care for and respect our soldiers, then we really are. And there are enough instances in post independence Indian history to prove this. Take for instance the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. As part of the Simla agreement signed between the two neighbours, Pakistan pressed upon India to release it's more than 90,000 POWs held captive within India. We acceded to that demand in a hurry, never stopping for a moment to check on the fate of our own Officers and other ranks possibly alive and being held prisoners in Pakistan. Today 38 years later 54 Officers and men of the Indian Army and Air Force are allegedly being held captive by Pakistan. As a Country we lack the political will to get Pakistan to do anything about it. And as a people, we are completely insensitive and uncaring towards the families - parents, wives and children of those brave men who sacrificed their li...