Today, yet again, there was news of three top ranking generals of the Indian Army caught up in a land scam. Which means they are facing corruption charges. It's amazing to me, as to how many 'flag officers' of the Army have been suspected of some misdeed or the other. There has been a meat scam, a 'booze scam' or even a tent scam, in which Generals are suspected to be involved. The ultimate being the 'coffin scam' during the Kargil war... I ts also amazing that these officers - clearly lacking 'Officer like qualities' and who have displayed conduct 'unbecoming of an officer' have actually risen to such high ranks in the Army's hierarchy. In the latest 'Sukna' scam in the North East, the generals are commanding Corps - extremely sensitive assignments held by individuals whose basic character is suspect . And it makes me wonder - would I ever encourage my son to join the Army? Because, at some stage he might have a Boss in uniform w...