Today I read a news item in the newspaper that made me happy, because it was about how people can be nice to animals.
This was a story about Varun, a Doberman, who was a police dog. Varun died of a heart ailment, after serving the police in Koppal in Karnataka, for almost the same time as his entire life -eight years.
Varun was inducted into the police force when he was one month old ! And his training started when he was just three months.
During his career in the police force, Varun actually helped solve about 90 cases of theft and 30 cases of murder.
When Varun died, the citizens and police force of Koppal gathered in the District Armed Reserve Police grounds for an official 'funeral'. Wreaths were laid and a bugle was sounded after which Varun was laid to rest.
Varun's feat as a police dog was exemplary. What was amazing though, was the love and respect the police force and the local citizens had for this canine.
This in a way restores one's faith in humanity - that there are human beings who are kind enough to love an animal, who were grateful for what he did for society, and who went out of their way to pay their last respects.
Long live Varun, and long live the police and the people of Koppal..
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